The next generation of sports is here and we have your back!

Esports are competitive gaming events which recently begun gain more traction especially from a corporate sector. Either it’s only for casual, a small scale competitions or a large scales, we have a dedicated team with years of experience to run the events.

Or we can work together!

Basic Management Package

This basic package is for a small and simple event, which usually only cater for up to 16 player and ends in less than 8 hours.

Usually this package hired together with e-gaming rental for a more convenient and wholesome bundle.

Advance Esports Manegement

For a larger participant and high prize value, we also will involve during planning stage, player recruitment and talent consultation.

Esports Production

This include a live streaming, broadcasting and back stage management. However, for a grand scale and high end production value, we usually work together with more experience production company.

So let us work together!